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Message by the Acting Chairperson

All students are warmly welcomed in the Department of Electrical Engineering in Indus University. Prime focus of our department is to provide the quality of education in the field of Electrical and Electronics in order to make our students capable for handling the challenges in the industry. This objective is achieved through studying cutting-edge technologies, offering comprehensive course scheme, adopting research and innovation based approach, implementing strong theoretical and analytical methodology, providing well-equipped and state-of-the-art laboratories.
This is the right time to take right decision by taking admission in the Department of Electrical Engineering having a lot of opportunities for career growth.

Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan

Department of Electrical Engineering


The vision behind the establishment of Department of Electrical Engineering is to achieve the leading position among all other institutes, by providing state-of-the-art knowledge and hand-on experience in relevant field by inducting qualified faculty and well-equipped laboratories as to become a symbol of excellence in Electrical engineering education.


Our mission is to attain academic excellence in research and innovation by offering cutting edge knowledge in order to produce highly qualified graduates in the field of Electrical Engineering, bearing contemporary knowledge with moral and ethical values as to play a vital role in development of industry and progress of country.


Following are the key objectives of Department of Electrical Engineering

  • To provide quality of education with hand-on experience,
  • To focus on strong basic sciences mathematical background,
  • To develop research and innovation based approach,
  • To introduce contemporary engineering courses,
  • To fulfill the gap between industrial need and curriculum scheme by producing skilled man-power having latest knowledge in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
S.N Member Name
01 Chairperson of the teaching departments concerned Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan
02 All Professors and Associate Professors in the Teaching Department Concerned Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan
Prof. Dr. Engr. Asim ur Rehman Khan
Dr. Engr. Zahid Ali Arain
03 University Teachers, other than Professor or Associated Professor, to be appointed by the Academic Council Engr. Ali Zain ul Abidin
Engr. Sajid Ahmed
Engr. Shafique Ahmed Soomro (FYP Coordinator)
Engr. Saif Ullah
Engr. Javed Ali
04 Expert(s), other than University Teacher to be appointed by the Vice Chancellor Dr. Engr. Ghazanfarullah (UIT, Karachi)
Dr. Engr. Bilal Muhammad Khan (EPE Dept. NUST, Karachi)
Engr. Asif ur Rehman Memon ()
05 (Invited Members) Mr. Ayaz Ahmed Panhwar (Director Academics)
Miss Sheema Hyder (Director QEC)
Mr. Owais Anwar (Humanities -Islamic & Pak studies)

Faculty Members

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    Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan

    Professor / Dean


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    Prof. Dr. Engr. Asim ur Rehman Khan

    Professor / Associate Dean


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    Dr. Engr. Zahid Ali

    Associate Professor


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    Dr. Engr. Danish Khan

    Assistant Professor


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    Engr. Sajid Ahmed



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    Engr. Ali Zain ul Abdin



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    Engr. Shafique Ahmed Soomro



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    Owais Anwar



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    Engr. Javed Ali



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    Engr. Bahadur Ali



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    Engr. Sumbleen



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    Engr. Faiza Sheikh



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    Engr. Mumtaz Hussain Soomro

    Lecturer (On Study Leave)


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    Engr. Hassan Tanveer

    Lecturer (On Study Leave)


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    Engr. Tanesh Kumar

    Lecturer (On Study Leave)


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    Aqib Khan

    Lab Assistant


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    Engr. Sheikh Ameer Ur Rehman

    Lecturer (On Study Leave)


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    Touseef Fatima

    Lecturer (On Study Leave)


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    Engr. Shubash Kumar

    Lecturer (On Study Leave)


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    Engr. Muhammad Moosa

    Lecturer (On Study Leave)


Program Educational Objectives (PEO's)
PEOs PEO's Statements
PEO-1 Graduates should have effectiveness to demonstrate solid engineering knowledge through analysis, synthesis, design and entrepreneurial skills for the advancement in career or postgraduate studies.
PEO-2 Graduates should exhibit professionalism in their work at individual level as well as team member through effective communication and technical skills to achieve sustainable development goals in multi¬disciplinary engineering environment.
PEO-3 Graduates should make contributions to knowledge and establish best engineering practice through research and development, as to assume positions of technical and/or managerial leadership as their careers develop
PEO-4 Graduates should express an ethical commitment to the community and the profession through involvement with professional organizations and society
PEO-5 Graduates should engage in lifelong learning that will enable them to continue their professional development either through advanced course work or continuing self-directed learning and development activities
Program Learning Outcome (PLO)

Program Learning Outcome (PLO) & Washington Accord Graduate Attribute (WA) (PO = PLO = WA)

PLO-1 Engineering Knowledge An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
PLO-2 Problem Analysis An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences
PLO-3 Design/ Development of Solutions An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
PLO-4 Investigation An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions
PLO-5 Modern Tool Usage An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations
PLO-6 The Engineer and Society An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems
PLO-7 Environment and Sustainability An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
PLO-8 Ethics Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice
PLO-9 Individual and Team Work An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings
PLO-10 Communication An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
PLO-11 Project Management and Finance An ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments, business practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations
PLO-12 Lifelong Learning An ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments
Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Course Learning Outcome (CLO) should have following conditions (i) Action Verb (ii) Condition (iii) Standard (Verbally describe the three steps to apply Nodal Analysis) (C, V, S) Outcome should be SMART: Specific + Measureable + Achievable + Realistic + Time Frame Observable

Knowledge Profile (WK)
WK Curriculum (Knowledge Area / Sub Area)
WK1 Humanities and Management Sciences
WK2 Mathematics
WK3 Engineering Fundamentals
WK4 Engineering Specialist Knowledge
WK5 Engineering Design
WK6 Engineering Practice
WK7 Engineering In Society
WK8 Research Literature
Complex Problem (WP)

Complex Engineering Problems have characteristic WP1 and some or all of WP2 to WP7, EP1(WP8) and EP2(WP9), that can be resolved with in-depth forefront knowledge

WP-1 Depth of Knowledge required
WP-2 Range of conflicting requirements
WP-3 Depth of analysis required
WP-4 Familiarity of issues
WP-5 Extent of applicable codes
WP-6 Extent of stakeholder involvement and level of conflicting requirements
WP-7 Interdependence
WP-8 Consequences
WP-9 Judgement
Taxonomy Domains

There are three Taxonomy Domains and each has different level of attainments, details are available on Annex-C.

  • Cognitive (C)     = Knowledge (K)     =6 Levels of Taxonomy
  • Psychomotor (P)     = Skills (S)     =7 Levels of Taxonomy
  • Affective (A)     = Attitude (A)     =7 Levels of Taxonomy
ID Domain Attribute Keywords Example
C1 Memorize Rote memorization, recognition, or recall facts Find, define, label, describe, memorize, locate, recognize, identify, record, name, tell, list, recite, select, relate Define the basic of electrical quantities and laws in dc and ac system
C2 Understand Understanding what the facts mean Convert, transform, examples, match, restate, paraphrase, change, rewrite, give, express, illustrate, extend, generalize, summarize, interpret, compare, explain, predict Explain and summarize the working culture of a professional engineers in society and organization C3
C3 Apply Correct use of the facts, rules, or ideas Use, apply, change, solve, choose, sketch, modify, make, dramatize, discover, classify, prepare, show, produce, construct, paint, demonstrate, illustrate Apply the appropriate assembly language for microprocessor (8086) and microcontroller (PIC)
C4 Analyzing Breaking down information into component part Analyze, classify, survey, separate, distinguish, infer, categorize, subdivide, inquire, differentiate, probe, attributes, investigate, select, experiment, point out, compare, contrast Investigate power factor problems that arise during the utilization of electrical energy
C5 Judging Judging the value or worth of information or ideas Appraise, deduce, critique, defend, recommend, conclude, decide, criticize, evaluate, consider, weight, judge, support, rate Evaluate the power factor problems that arise during the utilization of electrical energy
C6 Creating Combining parts to make a new whole Plan, role-play, compose, invert, hypothesis, design, revise, construct, develop, collect, predict, formulate, create, organize, originate, combine, arrange Compose systematically engineering problems and their solutions using appropriate hardware or software
ID Domain Attribute Keywords Example
P1 Perception The ability to use observed cues to guide physical activity Detect, describe, differentiate, isolate, distinguish, choose, select, relate, identify Identify the passive and active components in electronic circuit
P2 Set The readiness to take a particular course of action Begin, explain, show, volunteering, proceed, move, state, display Show the functioning of passive and active components in electronic circuit
P3 Guided Response The trial-and-error attempts at acquiring a physical skill. With practice, this leads to better performance Copy, trace, react, response, reproduce, follow Trace the path of electrical signal in digital system
P4 Mechanism Learned responses become more habitual and movements can be performed with some confidence and level of proficiency Mix, assemble, measure, dismantle, construct, calibrate, grind, fix, fasten, mend, sketch, manipulate, heat, display Construct a block of computer architecture systems using simulation tools
P5 Significant Response Complex Responses are automatic and proficiency is indicated by accurate and highly coordinated performance with a minimum of wasted effort Build, organize, mend, sketch, manipulate, heat, display Organize effectively good quality final year project in a form of system, hardware, software that have commercial potential
P6 Adaptation Skills are well developed and the individual can modify movements to deal with problem situations or to fit special requirements Adapt, change, reorganize, alter, vary, rearrange, reorganize, revise Rearrange a circuit model to represent the behavior of a system
P7 Acting Pure The skills are so highly developed that creativity for special situations is possible Arrange, originate, create, design, initiate, compose, combine Design a system based on mathematical model
ID Domain Attribute Keywords Example
A1 Receive Willingness to receive information Ask, choose, identify, point out, reply, select, name, give, follow, hold, use, describe Give respect to the colleagues idea in meeting
A2 Provide Feedback Individual actively participating in his or her own learning Read, answer, select, recite, discuss, write, greet, present, form, help, practice, perform, conform, comply, aid, assist, read Discuss importance of ac and dc circuits in current technology trend
A3 Judging The ranges from simple acceptance of a value to one of commitment Work, justify, differentiate, invite, initiate, study, join, share, propose, report, select, explain, demonstrate Study the current technology applied in control system engineering
A4 Organize Individuals go through as they bring together different values, resolve conflicts among them and start to internalize the values Integrate, relate, complete, organize, defend, identify, synthesize, modify, generalize, formulate, prepare, compare, combine, adhere, arrange Generalize the role of engineer to solve engineering problems as professional commitment to the nation
A5 Appreciating Individual has a value system in terms of their beliefs, ideas and attitudes that control their behavior in a consistent and predictable manner Display, discriminate, verify, modify, revises, serve, listen, practice, influence Displays a professional commitment to ethical practice
Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC)

The Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) that comprises of industrial representatives who will advise the Department in matters of education objectives, curriculum development, and industrial requirements with discuss with senior faculty members. Proposed members for this committee are at least two representatives from Industry, Dean of faculty, Chairperson of department, Research Head, Lab Head, Program Coordinator, Industry liaison and Internship focal person, representative from EDC department and senior faculty members. Its related details are mentioned in proposed OBE policy # 1.8 and 1.9. Following is the proposed members in IAC of from Department of Electrical Engineering:

Composition Members of Industry Advisory Committee (IAC)
Convener 1) Prof. Dr. Engr. Asim Khan (Associate Dean, Director ORIC)
Secretary 2) Engr. Faiza Sheikh (FYP)
Members 3) Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan (Dean FEST , Chairperson, DEE)
4) Dr. Engr. Zahid Ali Arain
5) Syed Abrar Ali (Ex-CTO K-Electric and Chairmain SEPCO)
6) Engr. Abdul Rehman Sheikh (Senior Manger Industry Expert from PTCL)
7) Engr. Ahmer Zeeshan Bukhari (Senior Manager, Industry Expert IT PTCL)
8) Engr. Asif Memon (GM SUPARCO)
9) Engr. Humayon Qureshi (Director Datalog and Entrepreneur)
10) Engr. M. Arshad Chughtai (Industry Representative)
11) Toufeeq Ali Kazmi (CEO ACT Automation)
12) Engr. Saeed Ahmed Sethar (Industry Representative)
13) Mr. Ahmed Akmal (EDC, Indus University)
13) Engr. Syed Riffat Ali (CEO, Expert Contracting)
OBE Implementation Committee (OIC)

Measurement of the defined PLOs will be carried out by indirect and direct assessment methods. Surveys will be used for indirect assessment of PLOs and their results will be compiled by the OBE Implementation Committee through Campus Management Software (CMS), the record of direct assessments will also be maintained. Analysis report will be reviewed by the OBE Review Committee and forward to OBE Implementation Committee for further necessary process, as per details mentioned in proposed OBE policy # 1.8 and 1.9. Following is the proposed members OBE Implementation Committee of Department of Electrical Engineering

Composition Members of OBE Implementation Committee (OIC)
Convener 1) Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan (Dean FEST , Chairperson, DEE)
Secretary 2) Engr. Ali Zain ul Abidin (Program Coordinator)
Members 3) Prof. Dr. Asim Khan (Director ORIC)
4) Dr. Engr. Zahid Ali Arain (Member)
5) Engr. Sajid Ahmed (Member, Lab Head)
6) Engr. Shafique Ahmed Soomro (Member, FYP)
7) Engr. Saifullah (Member)
8) Engr. Javed Ali (Member)
9) Engr. Ali Zain ul Abidin (Member)
OBE Review Committee (ORC)

Analysis reports of CLOs and PLOs attainment will be presented to the OBE Review Committee comprising of Dean, Directors QEC, Chairperson of the Department and senior faculty members. The review committee will recommend improvements / modifications / enhancements (if required) and implementation will be carried out by OBE Implementation Committee, as per details mentioned in proposed OBE policy # 1.8 and 1.9. Following is the proposed members in OBE Review Committee of Department of Electrical Engineering:

Composition Members of OBE Review Committee (ORC)
Convener 1) Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan (Dean FEST , Acting Chairperson, DEE)
Secretary 2) Engr. Ali Zain ul Abidin (Program Coordinator)
Members 3) Prof. Dr. Asim Khan (Director ORIC)
4) Dr. Engr. Zahid Ali Arain (Member)
5) Engr. Sajid Ahmed (Member, Lab Head)
6) Engr. Shafique Ahmed Soomro (Member, FYP)
7) Engr. Saifullah (Member)
8) Engr. Javed Ali (Member)
9) Engr. Ali Zain ul Abidin (Member)
Alumni Advisory Committee (AAC)

Measurement of the defined PLOs will be carried out by indirect and direct assessment methods. Surveys will be used for indirect assessment of PLOs and their results will be compiled by the OBE Implementation Committee through Campus Management Software (CMS), the record of direct assessments will also be maintained. Alumni Advisory Committee will take necessary actions to collect feedback from alumni as per details mentioned in proposed OBE policy # 1.8 and 1.9. Following is the proposed members in Alumni Advisory Committee of Department of Electrical Engineering:

Composition Members of Alumni Advisory Committee (AAC)
Convener 1) Prof. Dr. Asim Khan (Associate Dean, Director ORIC)
Secretary 2) Engr. Sajid Ahmed
Members 3) Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmed Muddassir Khan (Dean FEST , Acting Chairperson, DEE)
4) Dr. Engr. Zahid Ali Arain (Lab Head, DEE)
5) Engr. Shoaib Hussain Zaidi (Program Coordinator, DEE)
6) Engr. Shafique Ahmed Soomro (FYP)
7) Engr. Ali Zain ul Abidin (Member)
8) Miss Areesha Maham (QEC, Deputy Director Indus University)