A source of information creation, innovation and economic stability Over the years, industry-academia collaboration has enhanced knowledge, innovation and played an integral part in the economic growth of developed countries. The linkage of academia and industry has a strategic role in developing critical skills required by industry (both production and service sector), generation, acquisition, and adoption of knowledge, and in promoting entrepreneurship (start-ups and spin-offs). Similarly, the expansion of market driven research and innovation at university level can be utilized at industrial level to foster commercialization.
There are mainly three facets of university i.e. teaching, research and entrepreneurship. Teaching universities requires support of industries in designing their curriculum and support in students/graduates placement.
Moreover, market trends and areas for innovation and commercialization can be addressed by joint collaboration of industry and academia. Therefore, the cooperation and collaboration of academia and industry is crucial for economic growth and sustainability.
In this connection, the Office of Research, innovation, and Commercialization at Indus University Karachi has initiated to bridge the gap between industry academia in order to encourage industries for knowledge based product development, innovation strategy based on scientific research and sharing of industrial problems to the academicians for finding appropriate solution Forcing industries to establish in-house R&D units or university R&D units, where professors and scholars engage in research activities.
Besides, Indus University has made numerous endeavors to bring the chambers of commerce and industry through Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry – the apex body of trade & Industry for providing full support to the academia and to play a significant role as it needs to act as a frontline party in developing a strong linkage.